USB Flash drives or Pen Drives as a lot of people popularly call them these days come in all shapes and sizes. Just when you are already worrying about loosing you new USB Flash stick because of its really tiny size; Imagine a USB as small as the size or your thumb nail. That's what 'DEONET', a Dutch manufacturer know for making funky data storage solution has come up with, the world's smallest USB stick.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Bridgestone unveils its Non Pneumatic (Airless) tire concept
The concept of pneumatic or inflatable tires dates back to 1888 when 'John Dunlop' invented the first air-filled tire for bicycles. Since then pneumatic tires have been put to use in a wide variety of automobiles and vehicles with varying sizes and capacities. However with the benefits comes the problem of maintenance and age. Add to that the accidents that happen around the world due to tire bursting in moving vehicles.
This past week at the 2nd Tokyo Motor Show 2011 in Japan, Japanese tire manufacture Bridgestone Corporation unveiled its new puncture-less air-free tires concept. Although the concept is not something very new, back in 2005 Michelin had showcased a similar kind of technology named TWEEL (i.e. Tyre/WhEEL). Since then there hasn't been any significant development until this one from Bridgestone.
The main difference that sets Bridgestone's airless tire different from Michelin's TWEEL is the kind of materials used for the development and the design.
Prototype project,
Saturday, November 26, 2011
A historic moment for humanity: NASA Launches "Curiosity" Mars Rover
The one-ton rover, tucked inside a capsule, left Florida on an Atlas 5 rocket at 10:02 local time (15:02 GMT). The rover is expected to reach Planet Mars on August 5, 2012. The rover is the out come of the hard work, the great engineers working for NASA have put in and about US$2.5 billion in funding.
Brief specs
Monday, November 21, 2011
Autocar Performance Show 2011 at BKC Mumbai
Autocar Performance Show 2011
Hey people! This is for all the automobile enthusiasts.
Here are a few pictures that we at Tech Center photographed at the Autocar Performance Show 2011. Hope you guys like it. These pictures have been brought to you by Rizvi Reza a good friend of mine who is a lot involved in photography and video shooting.
All due credit to him.
Tell us what you think in the comments.
Tell us what you think in the comments.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
ASUS Unveils the Eee Pad Transformer Prime with a quad core processor
With it series of Quad core Nvidia Tegra 3 mobile processor it seems like Nvidia is serious about getting into the main stream market for ultra powerful and efficient tablet processors. Finally we have the world's first ever device from ASUS powered by the much talked about Nvidia Tegra 3 processor. ASUS unveiled it's first quad core powered tablet/netbook called the 'Eee Pad Transformer Prime' the successor of the Eee Pad Transformer. Now the main reason these tablet devices are called 'Transformer' is the fact that they can be used as a Tablet or a net-book by docking the tablet to the keyboard; although the keyboard docking is sold separately.
Getting into the details of the new 'Eee Pad Transformer Prime', the device is a hardware marvel, it is basically a beefed up version of its predecessor. Along with packing the Tegra 3 quad-core CPU it features a 12-core GeForce GPU and Variable Symmetric Multiprocessing (vSMP) technology, it sports 1 GB of DDR2 RAM and will be available in two versions with 32 GB or 64 GB of onboard storage plus expandable via SD card.
It has a 10.1-inch, 1280 x 800 pixel of resolution, the screen is protected by a Super IPS+, Gorilla Glass panel. The screen has a wide viewing angle of 178-degree and 600 nits of maximum brightness.
Mobile Phones,
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Boston Dynamics with its new toy: The PETMAN bipedal robot
Boston Dynamics is a company know for its crazy legged robots which really resemble real life movements. Its one of the leading company in the development of advance robots with remarkable mobility, agility, dexterity and speed. After releasing the video of Alpha Dog back in September, Boston dynamics released a new video demonstrating a robot that resembles an adult human in terms a lot of physical movements.
Emerging Technologys,
Prototype project,
Monday, October 31, 2011
The Microsoft Kinect effect. (Video)
Microsoft Kinect has turned out to be a really effective add-on not only for gaming but; it has given a lot of developers a platform to create really amazing technologies.
Here's a video as to whats possible with the Microsoft Kinect.
Here's a video as to whats possible with the Microsoft Kinect.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Solar Ship: A Hybrid Airship Concept
Hybrid technologies always give the benefit of both worlds. Various kinds of aircraft designs have their advantages and disadvantages. How about an aircraft that gives the benefit of a fixed wing aircraft and a helium airship, add to that the benefit of Zero carbon emission and Solar powered operation. A Canadian Company called Solar Ship Inc. has come with such an interesting concept.
What is Solar Airship?
The Solar Ship as its called is basically a hybrid airship. Just like any other airship it has an envelope to store helium which provides with Buoyancy/ lift to some extent, although the difference here is that unlike a normal Airship which completely relies for all its lift from the helium stored in something like a balloon on top, the solar ship on the other hand relies partly on the helium and partly on the aerodynamic lift created by the wings design. The airship is designed using Advanced aerodynamics, synthetic textile laminates that give the aircraft the ability to store helium and at the same time have enough stiffness to provide a perfect aerodynamic (aero-foil) profile to act as wings.
Under normal conditions the solar airship would rely on the aerodynamic lift provided by the wing shape to give it more than half the lift required to get them off the ground. Additionally, the aircraft could also fly when filled with plain air. What this means is the aircraft will still be able to fly and land safely if there is any accidental damage that results in helium loss.
On top of the wings it has an array of highly efficient solar cells providing it with the ability to store electric energy in batteries which can be used when required.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
A Device that Generates Electricity from Human Respiration
With the advancement of technology in the field of medical science; The question of how to develop a better and permanent way to power electronic organ implant and organ assistance devices arises. The existing ones work on batteries so the patient has to undergo an operation every time for a battery replacement.
In recent times researchers have found ways to generate electricity from a person's blood sugar, and piezoelectric devices that generate electricity from muscle movement. Also devices that harvest energy from ambient wireless transmission waves.
Researchers from the university of Wisconsin-Madison have developed a small device that can generate electricity from human breathing. The team behind the project includes: Assistant Professor Xudong Wang, postdoctoral Researcher Chengliang Sun and graduate student Jian Shi.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Nokia N9 begins shipping with Meego OS
After being announced back in June this year, The Nokia N9 has finally made to stores across the world. This phone from Nokia seems be a really good smartphone from Nokia after a long time. The main reason that makes a smartphone a worth appreciating is the design and the OS that runs on it. Nokia has finally took a big step in the smartphone market by supporting the Meego OS. The N9 runs on MeeGo OS, v1.2 Harmattan.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
MIT's Energy Harvester Makes Electricity from Vibrations
The world is going the silicon way, with the increasing use of wireless equipment for remote sensing and data collection equipment in various industries; the problem that arises is the replacement of the batteries in the equipment, especially when the site is in remote and inaccessible locations like Oil pipelines, industrial machinery and bridges.
The best solution to the problem is to harness the energy around the equipment itself; like ambient light, electromagnetic radio-waves which are almost everywhere these days and mechanical vibrations. Mechanical vibration energy is pretty significant in industrial machinery, pipelines and bridges.
Harnessing the vibration energy could make replacing batteries redundant.
Emerging Technologys,
green energy,
Prototype project
Monday, September 12, 2011
Android in Space: Nexus S on Space Shuttle Atlantis
The Android OS has brought about a big revolution as to how Smart-phones are used. With the kind of hardware modern smart-phones come with, they can do a lot more then just being a camera, media player and a phone, they can be used as brains for little robots.
Google first sent Google Nexus S at the edge of the atmosphere back in December 2010 via weather balloons. This past week Google posted a video showcasing how the Nexus S is being used by NASA to power its SPHERE satellites (Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites). These Sphere Satellites are free floating devices that NASA says were actually inspired by the 'Light Saber' droid from the popular Star Wars series and were developed by MIT. SPHERE Satellite is a self contained system with power, propulsion, computing and navigation equipment.
Emerging Technologys,
Mobile Phones,
Nexus S,
Prototype project,
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
APEN: A pen that digitalizes your writing.
Recording anything in a digital format is always the best way, not only to preserve data but also to make it portable. Ever wondered if you could save hand written notes or hand written notes on your digital photos straight to your mobile phone or your computer in real time? An Israeli company, Pegasus Technologies Ltd has made it possible by what is called APEN.
APEN is basically a standard shaped digital pen that also writes on paper and comes with a transmitter and easy to use software for PC, Mac and popular smartphone devices.
Friday, August 26, 2011
LG announces LSM-100: World's First Scanner Mouse
The recent trend in newer computer peripheral and other devices is that, devices are getting more and more multi-functional. Back at CES 2011 LG electronics unveiled to the world its first prototype of the LSM-100 scanner mouse. LG is now all set to open a new era for scanners at this year’s IFA 2011 with the LSM-100, the mouse with a built-in scanner.
The problem with conventional scanners is that they take up a lot of space on the desk and can only scan papers of a limited sizes. Using the LSM-100 is far more convenient, all the person has to do to take a scan is to hold the scan button placed at the left side of the mouse and move it in a regular pattern from top to bottom. The scanned image can then be saved in a wide range of formats i.e. PNG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PDF, XLS and DOC or it can be simply dragged and dropped into the desired application.
Computer Mouse,
New Gadgets,
Friday, August 19, 2011
MABEL: The fastest two-legged robot (Biped)
Its always a dream for humanoid robot builders to replicate human running style. Although legged running robots have been built in the past, most of them don't have knees. The one's with knees can't run very fast; A good example is the Honda Asimo which has knees but it can only walk steadily and run upto 6 Km/hr, although I would like to say its one of the best humanoids ever built.
A robot developed at the University of Michigan lab can run like a human with features that represents the height, agility and efficiency of humans for a two-legged machine. With a peak pace of 6.8 miles per hour or 10.94Km/hr, MABEL is believed to be the world's fastest bipedal robot with knees.
Mabel was a project that was built back in 2008 with collaborating members which include Jonathan Hurst, a doctoral student at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, Jessy Grizzle a professor at U-Mich. Doctoral students, Koushil Sreenath who is in the U-M Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Hae-Won Park is in the U-M Department of Mechanical Engineering the later have contributed to developing the Algorithm and model for the robot. Since then the team has been progressively improving the feedback algorithms that enables the robot to keep its balance while reacting to its environment in real time.
Emerging Technologys,
Prototype project,
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The secret behind all the Cat videos on the Internet.
Cat videos are all over the internet and its said that weirdly; "At any given time cat videos make up about 30% of all internet traffic"
Check out this video and let us know what you think in the comments ;)
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Google buys Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion
By now its a world know fact that Google is buying Motorola Mobility for an amazing $12.5 billion. So I consider not ranting about it anymore, Here is a funny video from, about how Google is benefiting from the deal to strengthening its hardware side to make Android even more stronger and giving Google access to over 24,500 patents.
For an Interesting fact: Did you know There are about 550,000 Android devices sold everyday through a network of about 39 manufacturers and 231 carriers in 123 countries around the world. Amazing!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Wave Disc Engine the next step in Combustion Engines
Internal Combustion Engines more or less have had the same basic design since the first time they were created, except for the Wankel engine also called the rotary engine which did not gain a lot of popularity in the auto industry due to its short coming of inefficiencies. With the new generation of Hybrid cars which utilize a combination of electric motors and combustion Engines there is a need to develop a new design of engines and move away from the of concept of piston cylinder and valves.
Researchers at Michigan State University have built a model prototype gasoline engine design that's unlike any other engine design seen before. It works on the principle of shock waves and utilizes what is called a 'shock wave generator', which is basically a disc/rotor having precisely designed wave-like pattern carved into channels.
Prototype project
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
IEEE completes 802.22 wireless network standard; provides 62 miles range
Over the past couple of years the use of WiFi to access networks and Internet has really penetrated deeper than ever before, the simple fact being its ease and simplicity to setup and connect devices. Not only that, it can be used to connect various devices ranging from desktops to mobile phones and across various platforms without any hassle and big infrastructure costs involved. Keeping this in mind; back in 2004, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) started working on a new Wi-Fi standard called the 802.22 for a wider wireless connectivity range and it has finally come to its completion. Its different than the existing popularly know 802.11 standard, which has a maximum range of 100 meters and works in the frequency ranging from 2.4GHz-5GHz.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Volkswagen Demonstrates the 'Temporary Auto Pilot'
This past month in June, Volkswagen; as a part of the 'HAVEit' project presented to the world the “Temporary Auto Pilot” (TAP) system, which allows the car to drive semi-autonomously up to a speed of 130 kilometres per hour on a motorways. The driver has to monitor the vehicle, this technology actually is a link between today’s driver assistance systems and the vision of fully automatic driving for the future.
Research project 'HAVEit' (Highly Automated Vehicles for Intelligent Transport) is basically an EU funded project aimed at increasing driving safety and boosting the European automotive industry in the international market. HAVEit, is a collaboration between 17 partners from the European automotive industry and scientific community.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Power Up: Gives Paper Airplane a Motor and Propeller
At some point as a kid or teenager everyone is fascinated with paper airplanes. Despite the hi-tech world we live in, there hasn't been a lot of changes as to how we make and fly our paper crafts. In fact nobody thought of paper airplane in the commercial sense. But now finally we have an add-on to the paper airplane that can make paper airplanes fly for longer and thus making them more exciting. It has been finally empowered with a motor!
A new toy company which calls its self 'Taylor L.L.C.' started up this year with it’s first new product called 'PowerUp – Electric powered paper airplane'. Founder and owner 'Shai Goitein' set up the company as a platform for developing and selling unique and innovative toys.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Cyclocopter Aircraft: Another way to hover and fly.
The human dream of flying has a long history, the aircraft designs we see today are the outcome of all the sacrifice and hardwork of a long list of inventors. On the contrary some designs never made it in the real world because of their complexities and lack of resources. One such aircraft design is the Cyclocopter also called a Cyclogyro. The original idea is know to be almost a century old. Basically, a cyclocopter is similar to a helicopter, it creates lift by means of rapidly moving airfoils. But unlike a helicopter, a cyclocopter's airfoils rotate about a horizontal axis, they continually changing their pitch in order to generate thrust in one single direction.
The idea is not as simple as it sounds and that's the reason no aircraft based on this system made it into real world applications. But that might change for good, a team of researchers at the University of Maryland from the Department of Aerospace Engineering have been working on this concept since 2008. It is a radically alternate concept to conventional helicopters. It can revolutionize vertical flight especially in the field of robotic Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs) which have a wide range of military and civilian applications.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Tata builds the world's cheapest house (flatpack)
The TATA group of companies have been gaining a lot of international attention, one reason being its endeavour of buying out Jaguar, Land Rover and Corus Steel, the other being building the worlds cheapest car, the 'Tata Nano'.
The latest thing that's making news from TATA is their latest project of creating the world's cheapest houses dubbed 'Nano homes'.
India is a highly populous country, only second to China and a lot of people live below poverty line. This project from Tata can help a lot of poor people not only in India but around the world. The project is aimed to provide poor families who could not normally afford to own property. Its mainly aimed to eradicate the ever growing slums in cities like Mumbai.
Getting into the details, its a project undertaking from Tata Steel. The house comes with pre-fabricated materials, including roofs, doors and windows. It's basically a kit, which can be erected or assembled. The basic house is so designed to fit in a space of 20 square meters. Materials used in the kit consist of coconut or jute cladding complete with interior layouts. The house will cost a mere Rs.32000 or 500 Euros and can be erected in a weeks time on a patch of land. There is also a larger 30 square meter house which includes optional extras, such as a front verandah and a solar energy system
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Ideum MT55: The Thinnest, Largest, Most Powerful Multitouch Table
Ideum, a U.S. based company that's known for designing and creating interactive computer-based exhibits and multitouch installations, has unveiled a new multi-touch table called the MT55, adding to its already existing MT55 PROTouch Table, the major difference being the dimensions and thus the hardware.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
LG introduces the world's first 'Glasses-Free' 3D monitor
3D technology has been pretty slow in being a part of our everyday lives, mainly cause of the odd glasses you need wear to view the content, and also because of the high price of the technology. That may not be the case anymore. LG electronics unveiled the world's first Glasses-free 3D monitor with eye-tracking technology. The special feature of the monitor is it utilizes 'eye-tracking technology' to maintain an optimal 3D image from a range of viewing angles, this has been made possible because of the integrated webcam in the top sleeve of the screen.
Monday, July 11, 2011
I’m Watch: Android based smartwatch
It's really cumbersome to pull out your big sized smartphone from the pocket every time it rings for some reason, or you just want to have a quick check. How about a wrist watch that stays connected to your phone and shows essential info at just a glance away. That's what an Italian company called, 'Blue Sky s.r.l' has come up with. A Smart wristwatch called the 'I’m Watch'.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Hemispherical Gimbaled Wheel Drive System (HOG Wheel)
Sometimes the simplest of designs can make you achieve the once considered impossible. 'Curtis Boirum', a Master student in Mechanical Engg. at Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois just proved the fact. He developed a Hemispherical omnidirectional gimbaled wheel (HOG) drive system which basically is nothing hi-tech so to speak, but its pure genius.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
MSI unveils the world's first PCI Express 3.0 motherboard
Renowned motherboard manufacturer 'MSI' unveiled the world's first motherboard to feature a PCI Express 3.0 slot. PCI Express Gen 3 slot provides a data transfer rate that is upto 200% faster than PCI Express Gen 2 (PCI Express 2.0) resulting in enhancing the performance of graphics cards without bandwidth limitations or bottle necking. The board is named 'Z68A-GD80 (G3)', this makes it a future proof board for handling upcoming high bandwidth cards without any compromise.
graphic cards,
Friday, July 8, 2011
Magnetic Microprocessors for more energy efficient computing devices
Present day silicon based microprocessors work by moving electrons around a circuit. This results in generation of lots of heat due to resistance, which ultimately results in wastage of energy. According to an analysis by University of California, Berkeley's electrical engineers, they say; future computers may work differently, relying on magnetic microprocessors that consume the least possible amount of energy allowed by the laws of physics (thermodynamic laws).
In the future Microprocessors employing nano-meter sized bar magnets for memory, logic and switching operations theoretically would require no moving electrons.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
YouTube's new Experimental redesign: "Cosmic Panda"
Popular video sharing site YouTube today launched a new experimental user interface (design) for YouTube code named "Cosmic Panda". In its first look it looks a lot different than the current interface. It has a totally new color scheme. It incorporates more of black around the video window.
Once you're in the experiment, much of YouTube will look different, including videos, playlists and channels compared to what you are accustomed to see.
The channel pages look good too. They look more wider and the new layout design shows information about the page in a much better way.
Cosmic Panda,
Facebook Skype-Powered Video Calling is now official
A few days ago at Tech center we reported a rumor about Facebook's new video calling feature to be revealed on the 6th of July. Its now official! Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the new features at the company's headquarters in Palo Alto, California. This announcement follows up on Zuckerberg making a comment of "something awesome" last week. You can now video chat with your friends right from Facebook at minimal hassle without any software.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Virtual Grocery Shopping in South Korea
Grocery shopping always turns out to be a 'task' you have to do may be once a week. Its a time consuming job and a lot of people actually don't like it. 'Tesco' an international U.K. based grocery chain called Home Plus in South Korea, came up with a genius new way to make shopping a more easy task by adding the virtual element to it.
Home Plus actually plastered posters which have images of groceries on the walls of subway station labeled with a unique QR code for each product. For those who don't know, QR codes are 'quick response codes', a boxy geometric image that actually represents information about the product like price etc. So basically as commuters pass by these poster on their way to work, they can use a mobile phone app to scan the QR codes of the products they would like to buy. The products automatically land in the online shopping cart then users can check out. The groceries are automatically delivered to their doorstep by the end of the work day. So all you do to shop is scan QR codes of the products you want.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Controlling a Quadrotor via Kinect
There have been so many amazing things people have come up with using the Microsoft kinect. Here is another one, this time its with a Quadrotor. The guys from Flying Machine Arena at ETH Zurich have come up with this really interesting concept of controlling robots through physical interactivity. This adds another dimension as to how we can control flying robots.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
China now has the World’s Longest Sea Bridge
China has been really working into developing some really amazing structures since the past decade. Their latest offering is the worlds longest sea bridge called the 'Jiaozhou Bay bridge'. The bridge is a staggering 42.4km (26.3 miles) in length and 110ft in width. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, it beats Louisiana’s Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in the US, the previous world-record holder by a little more than 2 miles.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Facebook set to Launch 'In-Browser Video Chat'
In the midst of all the noise the new social networking site Google+ is creating on the blogosphere and the internet, popular internet blog TechCrunch just released a news about a new Facebook Video Chat feature that is said to be launched next week. The new video chat product is powered by Skype and works in the browser.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
A Silver Ballpoint Pen to Draw Functional Electronic Circuits on Paper
Wouldn't it be fun if you could make working circuits on paper by just drawing them on that paper? That's what Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have made possible. A new type of liquid metal ink that stays liquid in a pen, but dries after being applied to paper, wood or any other writable surface.
The pen looks like a Ball point pen and in fact writes like a silver colored ball pen, except that it has a real silver solution in it. The silver solution dries to leave electrically conductive silver pathways. These pathways maintain their conductivity through multiple bends and folds of the paper. This enables users to personally fabricate low cost, flexible and disposable electronic devices.
Flexible array of LEDs mounted on paper over a circuit drawn with the Conductive silver pen |
Thursday, June 23, 2011
A Facebook App Protects Accounts from Spam and Malware
Facebook has become one big fertile ground for information thieves, hackers and viral spam posts. Despite this, Facebook has done very little to protect its users from all of that bad stuff. So what, someone had to create a Facebook app to protect us from all that spam.
Two University of California, Riverside graduate students who work for a Web protection service company called run by an alumnus Anirban Banerjee, who received his Ph.D. in 2008 from UC Riverside and Michalis Faloutsos, a professor of computer science and engineering at the university have partnered and develop a free Facebook application that detects spam and malware posted on users walls and news feeds.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
World's first self powered nano scale device with wireless data transmission
By now we can very well say that nano scale machines and devices is what the future holds for us. The major advantage of ultra small devices is that they require very little energy to work because of their small scale. Energy is everywhere in various forms, although it is either difficult to harness or very little to be useful for any purpose.
Since 2005 scientists have been working on developing self-powered nanotechnology, aiming at building a self-powered system that operates independently, sustainably, and wirelessly by itself without using a battery.
Recent development from team of scientists on the project working with DARPA and Department of Energy were published on a journal called 'ACS Nano Letters'. They state the development of what they say is the world's "first self-powered nano-device that can transmit data wirelessly over long distances." The tiny device is able to operate without any batteries, using a piezoelectric nanogenerator to create electricity from naturally occurring mechanical vibrations. The technology has thus made it possible to scavenge energy from the sources in the environment such as gentle airflow, vibration, sonic wave, solar, chemical, and/or thermal energy. This will make it possible to develop self sustaining devices that will work by harnessing tiny amounts of energy around them. We can have endless possibilities and a wide variety of applications.
How the nano wireless device works?
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
World IPv6 Day starts Wednesday June 8 2011

While on the other hand an IPv6 address looks like 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334. This gives a great number of addresses that can be assigned.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Microsoft gives a sneak peek into the dubbed 'Windows 8' OS
The Next generation Windows Operating System from Microsoft code named Windows 8 was unveiled at the D9 Conference a day ago where Microsoft gave a glimpse into what the new OS has to offer for the first time. Microsoft says, "Windows 8 is a re-imagining of Windows, from the chip to the interface."
Unlike traditional Windows based PC a Windows 8 based PC will be a new kind of device, one that scales from touch-only small screens through to large screens, with or without a keyboard and mouse.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Xi3 Corporation Announces World's first Chromium OS Modular PC
Small form factor computer have really becoming popular in recent times. Xi3 a company renowned for its modular & small form factor PCs recently announced a Google Chrome OS based desktop. If you don't know, Google Chrome OS is a cloud based OS from Google. This would be the worlds first desktop PC based on the Chrome OS. To give you a brief idea Xi3 Modular Computer was first unveiled in 2010. It was then publicly unveiled at CES 2011 earlier this year where Xi3 was declared a winner for Innovations Award in the Computer Hardware category.
Chromium PC,
Emerging Technologys,
Google Chrome,
Monday, May 16, 2011
Genius wireless Ring Mouse takes mouse design to a new level
At Tech Center we always try and find new and innovative gadgets especially when it comes to different types of computer peripherals and mouse designs.
'Genius' a Taiwan based PC peripherals manufacturer has come up with a really good ring type thumb controlled mouse design. They named it 'Ring Mouse'.
'Genius' a Taiwan based PC peripherals manufacturer has come up with a really good ring type thumb controlled mouse design. They named it 'Ring Mouse'.
Computer Mouse,
New Gadgets
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Google introduces 'Google Music' Beta cloud service
Google introduced a new online music service called 'Google Music', The service is in its beta stage and is currently only reserved for people in the U.S., that too only with an invite. It will let you upload up to 20,000 tracks to the cloud and stream the music from any computer or Android device. The service will initially be free, and like I said before currently only for U.S. users. The service has a full featured music manager on the web and syncs music to your phone.
Google Music,
Mobile Phones
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
RIM Introduces New BlackBerry Bold 9900, Bold 9930 and BlackBerry OS 7
The BlackBerry addiction has touched a lot of people in the world in recent times. BlackBerry recently unveiled a new set of BlackBerry Bold smartphones the BlackBerry Bold 9900 and 9930 smartphones. For the first time BlackBerry has a incorporated a full qwerty keyboard with a brilliant, high resolution, capacitive touch screen with "Liquid Graphics". The new phones run on The new BlackBerry OS 7 with full support for 720p HD video, built-in NFC (Near Field Communications) technology (explanation in the video below)
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Scosche freeKEY Flexible Wireless Keyboard
Touch screen devices are all over the market. Specially when it comes to tablets which are right now being sold like hot cakes. The truth of the matter is touch screens are good for navigation, surfing around the internet and a little bit for short email responses, for the heavy duty typing its just not very useful. For the people who write content or type a lot it is just very difficult to use despite the fact tablets can be really handy for bloggers to write stuff on the move. The only answer to the problem is Portable keyboards.
New Gadgets,
Friday, April 29, 2011
Google Talk with video and voice chat for Android 2.3+ devices
Google Android has now become the most popular SmartPhone OS in the world. Google recently announced that its going to roll out an Update for The Google Nexus smart phones which will let Gtalk users video or voice chat right from their Android phone, whether the other users is on their compatible Android tablet, phone or using Gmail with Google Talk on their computer.
The Update is currently exclusive for the Google Nexus S users and the earlier Google Nexus One Phones. Although Nexus one will not support the video chat feature as it doesn't have a front camera, it will however support the voice chat feature. The upgrade will start to roll out soon. It will be part of the Android 2.3.4 over-the-air (OTA) update. Google says it will also be launching it on other Android 2.3+ devices in the future.
Mobile Phones,
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sony Announces S1 and S2 Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) tablets
The Smart Phone and Tablet market is getting hotter and better by the month with new manufacturers coming up with some amazing devices. Consumer electronics giant Sony finally announces to steps into the tablet scene with its two tablet devices code named S1 And S2. The news was announced in a Sony press event in Tokyo a day ago.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
'Nckia NG' tries to bring back Nokia 7700
Seems like a long time back but just some 8 years ago the only gaming phone that gained a lot of popularity and actually served the purpose were the epic N-Gage and its succeeder N-Gage QD, but its all dead now. Knockoff Mobile Manufacture 'Nckia Shanzhai' is trying to bring it back with its Nckia NG and calling it the most powerful Gaming phone ever. Hey don't go crazy, Thats just a joke to call it a " Powerful Gaming phone ".
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
HECTOR: Insect Inspired Hexapod Robot
Understanding nature has always been one of the inspirations for development of Robots and automated technology. When it comes to legged robots, developers are always in the process to make Robots move as elegantly as animals to unravel the secret of nature, when it comes to movements in animals. Biologists and engineers at the Bielefeld Center of Excellence 'Cognitive Interaction Technology' (CITEC) are just trying to do that. They developed the hexapod walking robot 'HECTOR' for this purpose.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Stealth extends its Mini PC range with new Intel Core mobile processors
When its comes to computers its all about making them small and powerful. Popular rugged/industrial PC manufacturers 'Stealth' has been making industrial and rugged PC form factors since the last 20 years. It recently announced its most its most powerful Mini PC till date. Its called the 'The Little PC 670' also called the LPC-670. This series is designed on the new Intel Core i7/i5/i3 mobile processor technology.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
YouTube adds live streaming service
The worlds most popular video sharing site YouTube has been undergoing a lot of changes these days. It gets a whopping 2 Billion views everyday, so a new service is actually a big news for a lot of people.
This past Friday YouTube on its official blog announced that its going to gradually start rolling out its new Live streaming service called YouTube Live.
live streaming,
Thursday, April 7, 2011
3 hacked Kinetcs and a 3D printer is all you need for a Souvenir
Using The Microsoft Kinect in the DIY space is now becoming very popular. We almost come across something really innovative done by paring kinects up with other devices almost everyday. This time its a DIY 3D printer. A team/group with the name BlablabLAB posted a video showing people on the on the streets of La Rambla, Barcelona's iconic pedestrian street posing up in front of a setup/installation to create their own little model. The video was actually shot in earlier in January this year.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Gmail Motion turned into reality
This past week on Friday Google fooled the internet by faking a new product called Gmail motion as an April Fools day joke. Google infact created a dedicated product page with a video showing how Gmail motion allows its user to check their emails by using really funny but practical gestures. Although it was just a good april fools joke from Google some guys at the California Institute for Creative Technologies took it seriously and came up with a real mock version of the Gmail Motion!
Emerging Technologys,
Gmail Motion,
Prototype project
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Elektra One Electric Plane Makes its first flight
Back in July 2009 NASA announced a Green Aircraft Challenge. The contest is a flight efficiency competition for an aircraft that is capable of managing average at least 100 mph on a 200 mile flight while achieving greater than 200 passenger miles per gallon. The competition is scheduled for July 2011 with an attractive prize money of $1.65 million. Participating Team aircrafts include those propelled by gasoline, bio-diesel, hydrogen, and electricity. A German company named PC-Aero created an Aircraft that flies on electricity alone, Its named ELEKTRA ONE.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Toshiba unveils a USB powered Mobile Monitor
The concept of portable displays is not well know to a lot of people. However these kind of portable displays can come in pretty handy for a quick presentation to a small group of people without the hassle of setting up bulky projectors. They can also be used as muti display to expand your workspace. Toshiba recently unveiled a 14-inch USB-powered Mobile Monitor.
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